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Maui Open Water Diver Training Course
The Adventure Begins
Planning a Vacation on Maui?
Thinking of learning to SCUBA Dive?
Learning to dive has never been this easy! Or this much FUN!
Now, through our PADI approved Home Study Program You can complete the "CLASSROOM" portion of the training at home, then in only 2 or 3 days, during your vacation on Maui, you can complete the water training and gain the prestigious, internationally recognized PADI OPEN WATER DIVER CERTIFICATION At the same time you will be doing some of the best diving Hawaii has to offer. Don't wait any longer. Learning to dive has never been this easy or this fun. You too, can soon be investigating the wonders that await you in the undersea world.
Through our Home Study Program you will begin your diving class at home prior to your trip to Hawaii. Under the sanction of the worlds largest diver training organization, our PADI Open Water Diver Program begins with you reviewing a fully interactive CD-ROM, Home Study program. (Also available in text/video format). The Home Study module takes most divers from 8 to 10 hours total study time. Upon completion of the Home Studies you will be eligible to participate in the pool & ocean training portions of the program. We can arrange training to fit your scheduled dates on Maui. Our training sessions are kept small so you will receive a lot of personalized attention and we know you will have a lot of fun.
If you live near one of our mainland training centers in the Seattle / Tacoma area, or the San Francisco Bay area, you can begin the water training by participating in the pool training session prior to your trip to Maui. Our pool training session will require one session of approximately 4 to 6 hours. If it is not convenient for you to participate in the pool training prior to your trip to Maui, we can make arrangements for you to participate in the pool training, and ocean training both during your stay on Maui. On Maui our "POOL" is a beautiful ocean lagoon with plenty of marine life that will intrigue you from the very beginning. Once that is completed you will move up to recreational dive sites in the beautiful waters of Maui. All of our Maui dives are done at popular dive sites regularly used for recreational diving activities. During the course you will see the best diving the Hawaiian Islands has to offer. You will participate in at least four, exciting Open Water dives. When those dives have been completed you will be issued the PADI Open Water Diver certification, the most widely recognized diver certification in the world today.
Our instructional staff are all professionally trained and certified diving instructors averaging over 20 years diving experience. Every one of our instructors has been through weeks of intensive instructor training. Along with being some of the best divers in the world, our staff have also had extensive training in educational theory and philosophy, curriculum development and learning theories, water safety, diving safety and environmental education. In an effort to be prepared for any eventuality, all of our instructors have been trained in water rescues, CPR and First Aid. The majority of them in fact, have completed training and hold certifications as CPR/First Aid instructors.
Dedicated to making diving safe and fun, our staff works hard to make our programs memorable experiences. Their professionalism, level of knowledge, experience and caring attitude will give you an experience you will remember throughout your life. The knowledge and experiences gained will give you the ability to safely enjoy the aquatic environment anywhere in the world.
There is a quality difference!
You do not have to spend your valuable vacation time sitting in a classroom!!
Start today!
Go scuba diving on that Maui vacation!
Total cost for our course consists of the cost of the appropriate Open Water Diver Course Study Kit, plus the course Training Fee.
To begin choose the Study Kit you would like. If two or more divers are joining the program together, each subsequent diver need not purchase the full Study Kit. Diver number two, and beyond can save money by purchasing the companion pak, rather than the full Study Kit.
Open Water Diver Course Student Kit: $70.00
(Available in 2 versions. The CD ROM Study Guide or the Text/Video Study Guide, whichever you prefer)
CD ROM Study Kit
CD ROM Study Guide
Recreational Dive Planner
Log Book
The CD Study Pak is a multi-user program. If more than one person will be studying together, each additional diver will need only the CD Companion Pak at $31.00, consisting of the Recreational Dive Planner and Log Book.
Text / Video Study Kit:
Open Water Diver Course Diver Manual
Video Study Guide
Recreational Dive Planner
Log Book
The Video can be shared by multiple divers. If more than one person will be studying together, each additional diver will need only the Text Companion Pak at $52.00, consisting of the Open Water Diver Manual, Recreational Dive Planner and Log Book.
Next calculate the training fee by the number of divers that will be enrolling in the program.
Training Fees
When joining our Scuba Schools pool or ocean training sessions,
use of all diving gear, including mask, snorkel and fins, is included in the cost of the program.
You will not be required to purchase equipment.
You will not be required to rent any additional gear and there are no additional rental charges for the use of the equipment.
All PADI registration fees are included in the cost of our programs.
There are no hidden charges.
Maui Certification Course
Begin the Knowledge Development studies at home. Complete the pool training at any of our facilities in the Seattle/Tacoma area, the San Francisco Bay area or on Maui. Complete the ocean training on Maui during your vacation. We will arrange diving dates to fit your scheduled stay on Maui. You will receive the PADI Open Water Diver Certification.
Tuition Fee: $375
For a limited time only, Maui Beginner Open Water Diver Course tuition fee is only
per diver
To begin just click here to be taken to our Registration Procedures page. Go ahead, click. You know you want to learn to dive.
For full information on our Maui training programs,
check out our "Maui Scuba Schools" website at:
To Enroll in the program, or for more information, email us at:
Scuba Schools Maui
Or call any of the following numbers:
Maui: 808-442-0769
Seattle: 206-374-2937
Tacoma: 253-229-3389
San Francisco: 415-449-3412
San Jose: 408-351-4442

The Scuba Schools Group offers internet based, PADI Home Study scuba diving lessons. Begin your diving class at home then join instructors worldwide for the water training portion of your diving lessons. With diving classes in Seattle, Tacoma, San Francisco & Oakland, San Jose, Monterey, Maui, Oahu, Kauai and Kona as well as associated diving resorts worldwide, we can offer a wide variety of dive lessons in a wide variety of environments. You can begin your diving lessons at home and complete the dive training while on vacation in beautiful destinations such as Hawaii, Cozumel, Cancun, the Carribean, Thailand, Fiji, Australia and any of thousands of other diving destinations around the world. From the beginner, Open Water Diver Courses, through Divemaster and the professional level classes, learning to dive has never been this easy. All of our diving courses are sponsored by PADI, the world's largest, and most well respected, diver training organization. Come into the site for full information on diving San Francisco & diving Seattle. You will find full information on our dive classes, courses and lessons. We make diving lessons fun and easy. Come on into Seattle / San Francisco Scuba Diving School's website, where the adventure begins. Private dive classes are available. We can organize a dive course to fit any schedule.