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Nitrox (Enriched Air) Diver Certification Course
Extend Your Bottom Time

Nitrox Enriched Air Logo

Enriched Air, sometimes called Nitrox, is air that has been enriched with oxygen so that it has more than 21% oxygen. For the purpose of enriched air no decompression diving, you will learn to use enriched air with 22% to 40% oxygen.

Although enriched air is relatively new to recreational diving, military and comercial divers have been using it to extend their bottom times for nearly 60 years. The United States Navy and British Navy have used enriched air since the 1940's. The United States Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has more than 25 years experience with enriched air. Recreational Divers have made thousands of enriched air dives successfully. Through these data and this field experience, the no decompression limits for enriched air are considered as reliable as those used for "normal" air.

Through reduction of the nitrogen in the breathing mixture you will be able to substantially increase your bottom times. A dive made to 50 feet on air, has a no decompression limit of 80 minutes, according to the PADI Recreational AIR Dive Planner. The same dive made on 36% Oxygen Enriched Air would give you a bottom time of 220 minutes. The trade off is that as you increase the oxygen exposure, you also increase the hazardous of oxygen toxicity. Much of what you will learn in the Nitrox program deals with keeping your oxygen exposure within safe limits.

Through proper training and use of Nitrox we are one step closer to that holy grail of divers, "unlimited bottom time".

Academic Requirements:
The knowledge development portion of the Nitrox Course will be completed through our Home Study Program. You will begin by watching the video, which emphasizes the basic procedures and concepts for enriched air diving. Along with the video you will read through the manual which will guide you in using the enriched air tables to plan dives, determine no decompression dive limits and monitor oxygen exposure.

Upon completion of your home studies you will meet with a professional PADI Nitrox Instructor who will review the material with you to assure your learning of the material and do the required Open Water training dives.

Dive Requirements:
Nitrox certification requires a minimum of two dives that can be done in only one day.

To begin you will need the following Nitrox Diver Course materials:

PADI Nitrox Student Kit: $70.00
(includes Nitrox Manual, Three Nitrox Tables, Nitrox Video)

For more than one diver joining together, the second diver and beyond do not need the full Nitrox Student Kit. The Video can be shared so each subsequent diver would need only the;
Nitrox Companion Pak: $55
(includes Nitrox Manual, Three Nitrox Tables)

Course Tuition $125
Tuition covers all course registration and certification fees.

The student will be expected to own or rent all required equipment for the course. We have top quality gear for rent should you not choose to purchase your own at this time. See Rental Rates.

Don't Wait any longer!
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For more information on any of our training programs or dive trips, email us at:
Scuba Schools

Call or Fax:
Seattle: 206-374-2937
Tacoma: 253-229-3389
San Francisco: 415-449-3412
San Jose: 408-351-4442
Maui: 808-442-0769

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