Seattle Scuba Schools

BSA Scuba Merit Badge

Craig Gillespie's
Seattle Scuba Schools
Where the Adventure Begins!

We are the first dive center in the Puget Sound area to offer classes towards the new Boy Scouts of America Scuba Merit Badge!
Two of our staff are registered counselors for this Merit Badge and we have assisted a number of scouts already in earning the Badge. 

Scuba Merit Badge Requirements are at the bottom of the page

What We Offerscubameritbadge.jpg

  • An internationally recognized beginner level certification program, specifically tailored to Boy Scout groups working towards the Scuba Merit Badge.
  • 50%+ off our regular program tuition for scout groups (minimum of 6 participants), with use of all snorkel and scuba gear included.
  • We will come to you for the classroom sessions! This makes it easy to fit into regular meetings that you might have scheduled. Pool and ocean sessions require the group to meet at our facility.
  • Years of experience working with youth in snorkel and Scuba programs. We have worked with hundreds of youth over the years, helping them develop into safe, responsible and confident divers.
  • Two of our staff are registered merit badge counselors for the Scuba Merit Badge.   
diver3.JPG snorkeler.JPG diver5.JPG
What is involved: The PADI Open Water or NAUI Scuba Diver course involves academic home study and class review, pool training for skills and practice, and at least 4 open water dives. We will also spend an afternoon lecturing on the First Aid requirements to gain the Scuba merit badge. 

Tuition                                                                        Regular              BSA Program

Open Water Diver Class                                       $325                   $162.50

Study materials

Scuba Diver Study Materials                                 $ 94                         $70

Equipment                  NONE - Use of equipment is included in tuition. 

                                         Total cost: $232.50


Sample class outline: 

Class session 1: Chapters 1 & 2 of Studies

Pool session 1: diver2.JPG

Class session 2: Chapters 3 & 4

Pool session 2:

Open Water Session 1: Dives 1, 2 + Academic Review:

Open Water Session 2: Dives 3 & 4 + Academic Review:


Equipment requirements: None! We will include the usage of ALL the necessary equipment in the class tuition. All that BSA participants need to provide is a swimsuit and towel for water sessions. 

Scuba merit badge requirements:

1. Do the following:

a. Show that you know first aid for injuries or illnesses that could occur while scuba diving, including hypothermia, hyperventilation, squeezes, fatigue, overexertion, injuries by aquatic life, motion sickness, nitrogen narcosis, and decompression illness. 

b. Identify the conditions that must exist before performing CPR on a person, and explain how to recognize such conditions. Demonstrate the proper technique for performing CPR using a training device approved by your counselor. This requirement is part of the Swimming merit badge. 

2. Before completing requirements 3 through 6, earn the Swimming merit badge.

3. Discuss the Scuba Diver's Code with your merit badge counselor, and explain the importance of each guideline to a scuba diver's safety. Completed during the Scuba Diver class. 

4. Earn an Open Water Diver Certification from an RSTC member organization. Satisfied by earning a PADI Open Water or NAUI Scuba Diver.

5. Explain what an ecosystem is, and describe four aquatic ecosystems a diver might experience. To be researched by the scout and discussed with the MB counselor. 

6. Find out about three career opportunities in the scuba industry. Pick one and find out the education, training, and experience required for this profession. Discuss this with your counselor, and explain why this profession might interest you.
To be researched by the scout and discussed with the MB counselor.

All the requirements, Other than items #2 and #4 above, can be found in the BSA Scuba Diving merit badge booklet, available from local BSA Council stores.

Seattle Scuba Schools can help your scout group fulfill all the requirements for the new Scuba Merit Badge anywhere in the Puget Sound area. Please contact us, we would be happy to come give a presentation at your next troop meeting!

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