Seattle Scuba Schools

Scuba Camps with the YMCA


YMCA Snorkel & Scuba Camp
Ages 8 - 12 - in the pool

For the past 5 years Seattle Scuba has partnered with various branches of the Seattle YMCA to offer weeklong snorkel and scuba camp programs. Participants spend the morning in the pool learning the basics of snorkeling and scuba diving, in the afternoon they participate in other activities under the supervision of the YMCA staff.

Of the first day of camp all participants will spend the pool time practicing snorkeling techniques and playing games that encourage water comfort and safety. On the second day an introduction to scuba is completed, and everyone has a chance to try diving in the shallows. On subsequent days kids alternate time on scuba and snorkeling while learning some of the basic scuba skills and having a really fun time! The scuba portion of this program typically corresponds to Aquamissions 1 - 3, for kids who return for a second year Aquamissions 4 & 5 are typically completed.

In 2011 we will be conducting one weeklong half day programs with the Seattle YMCA.

July 1-5 with the Shoreline (Dale Turner) YMCA  
Please contact the Seattle YMCA directly for registration information and camp costs.

Splash - Scuba camp instructor

Grumpy and Moonsnail, Jr assistant

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