Seattle Scuba Schools

Underwater Navigation

Know where you are.... Always!!
Costs: Tuition $250
Textbook: PADI Underwater Navigator Student Kit: $66 


Under water Navigation is, without a doubt, the most important, and often, the most overlooked aspect of diving. Remember your very first Open water dive? You were excited about your first diving experience and probably paid little attention to where you were going during the dive. You were perhaps astonished to surface and see that your instructor knew exactly where you were all the time. Navigation can be difficult but, with a little practice and experience, you too will soon be navigating like a pro.

Dive requirement: 3 Dives over 2 days. Advanced Certified Divers have already completed the first dive as part of the Navigation Specialty Course. In the case of Advanced Certified divers the remaining two dives, and Navigation Specialty Certification, can be completed in one day.

Equipment requirement: None

Prerequisite: Open Water Diver

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