Seattle Scuba Schools

Newsletter, Groups & Reviews

Seattle Scuba sends out a newsletter about once a month with information about upcoming classes, trips, dives and equipment specials.

If you would like to receive the newsletter by email drop us a note and request to be added to the list.

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Plan Your Dive Group

A local diver has created the website: to facilitate dive planning and finding dive buddies. 

The group: "friends of Duck-Duck" is associated with Seattle Scuba. Feel free to join!



Want to review our classes?

We appreciate the feedback be it by email, on the guestbook, or using one of the below options. 

I'm a Scuba Diving teacher in Seattle, WA.

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    You can also review us on Yelp  and on insider pages

    Copyright © Seattle Scuba Schools 1998-2014 All information, both text and code, contained in this site are protected under copyright. No part of said pages shall be reproduced without the expressed, written consent of Seattle Scuba Schools. 2000 Westlake Ave. N., Seattle, WA 98109