Seattle Scuba Schools

Refresher Classes and Dives

Already certified but been out of the water for a while? Below are your options.

Pool Refreshers:
Cost: $125 - including the use of all the equipment, including mask, snorkel & fins. 
Jump in the pool for a run through of the basic skills taught in the beginner class. Requires one evening, starting at 6:30 and finishing up ~ 10:30. 
Recommended if you have been out of the water for any period over 6 months.
View the schedule here:
Requirements: Must have proof of certification, either a certification card from a recognized agency or a printed verification from an agency.

Open Water Refresher Dives/Cold Water Orientations:
Want to do a couple of dives in Puget Sound with a dive professional? Or maybe you have never dove in cold water and would like to get to get acquainted with local diving so you can join our club dives and boat trips?
Cost: One Dive: $90 per diver  - Two Dives $120 per diver
Plus rental gear. You would get half price off of our standard rental prices while participating in these dives. 
Schedule: On demand, please contact us with your availability and we will get some dives scheduled for you. 

Just what it sounds like, getting recertified. This is what you would need to do if A. You no longer have your card or can get any proof of certification or B. It has been so long since you have been diving that you feel you remember nothing. 
Cost: See our beginner class pages for more information.

Replacement cards:
Lost your certification card? You may be able to get a replacement without going through the whole class again. 

PADI certs:
Email or call us with your full name as it would have appeared on the card (Please make sure you give us your middle initial) and your date of birth. We can check PADI's quite extensive records and see if they have you listed. If they do, we can send all the paperwork to PADI for a replacement card for you. The cost is $35 and we need a picture. If we can't find you listed you would need to contact PADI directly if you have some other proof of certification. 

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