Seattle Scuba Schools

REEF Fieldstation Info

Seattle Scuba is an active REEF fieldstation & testing center!


Seattle Scuba offers Fish & Invertebrate Identification classes, has a wide range of ID books/slates in stock, hosts survey dives, & has members of the PNW Advanced Assessment Team on instructional staff (Heidi Wilken, David Todd) who can offer testing for all REEF levels once you are ready.

Never heard of REEF? It is the Reef Environmental Education Foundation, a non profit dedicated to encouraging citizen science in volunteer divers. The short story is, you go swim around & have a great dive, but as you do so you make note of how many of specific species you see. Then you enter this data online for use by scientists, non-profit organizations etc...   You can start small, if all you can identify is ONE SPECIES (know what a Sunflower star looks like? That one with all the arms? That one counts!), you CAN ENTER a survey  :-). 

You can visit their website for more information: 

Fish & Invertebrate ID Classes + Fun Dives
Want to learn more about the creatures you are looking at down there? Come join one of our Fish or Invertebrate Identification classes and learn some great ID facts and clues for IDing. Our Fish/Invert ID classes are all taught by a REEF Advanced Assessment Team member who is also a scientific diver for the University of Washington & conducts fish/invert surveys for various organizations. The classes cover the organisms listed on the REEF survey form AND other common critters you are likely to see out that.
More info on Fish ID classes - More info on Invertebrate ID classes.
Note: The fun dives listed are NOT SUPERVISED, there will be no shore staff!

2013 Schedule

Fish Identification Class
- covers all the basic REEF fish & MORE - $50 for lecture only, $150 for lecture & dives with certification
      February 15th Evening lecture
      February 16th Two Dives with possible aquarium visit
Invertebrate Identification Class - covers all the basic REEF invertebrates & MORE - $50 for lecture only, $150 for lecture & dives with certification
      March 9th Evening lecture
      March 10th Two Dives with possible aquarium visit

ID Books & Slates
Seattle Scuba stocks a full range of Fish Identification books/slates for local and exotic destinations, drop by and see us if you need some reference materials for your next identification adventure.

Testing to go up in REEF level
One of our staff is a member of the PNW REEF Advanced Assessment Team and can administer tests for all 5 PNW REEF levels.   
REEF PNW Experience Levels
Level 1     No surveys      Become a REEF Member at
Level 2     2 Surveys       Correctly ID 80% of 20 common Fish OR Inverts
              Those taking a Fish or Invertebrate ID class will typically achieve this level, and learn lots more fish/inverts.           
Level 3     25 Surveys     Correctly ID 80% of 90 common Fish AND Inverts
Level 2     35 Surveys      Correctly ID 90% of 100 Fish AND Inverts               
Level 3     50 Surveys      Correctly ID 95% of 100 Fish AND Inverts
Ready to level up? Contact us (heidi 'at' to schedule a test - bring a printout of your survey count from the REEF website when you come in, you must have the appropriate number of surveys registered online for each level before taking the corresponding test. 

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