Beginning Open Water Diver Full Certification Course (Complete
both Phase One & Phase Two and gain certification here at home in the Seattle area )
We offer private classes for those who can't
or don't wish to join our regularly scheduled training sessions. We will schedule the training sessions on the dates that
work for you, and there will be an instructor dedicated just to you or your private group. Our PADI Open Water Diver Course
is the entry level program through which most people begin the adventure of diving. The course begins with an enjoyable Home
Study program. You should plan to spend 15 to 20 hours on the home studies. Upon completion of the home studies
you will be ready to participate in the swimming pool practice where you will learn about the skills and equipment necessary
for safe, enjoyable diving. The pool facility is located on Westlake Ave. N., near Lake Union.
the pool training is completed you will progress to two days of diving with us in West Seattle. We can schedule these for
you on weekends or weekdays, as long as there is daylight out! Upon successful completion of these training dives you will
become certified as a a PADI Open Water Diver.
Please contact us to schedule Private Training Classes
Certification Private Tuition: Study
Kit : $95
Course Total:
Private Tropical Referral Certification Course (Complete Phase
One, Knowledge Development & Pool training, here at home in the Seattle area and be ready for the Phase Two, ocean training
when you go on vacation.)
Through our Tropical Resort Certification Program you don't have to spend your valuable vacation
time sitting in a classroom. Begin your dive training with our Home Study program, in your free time, in your own home.
You should plan to spend 15 to 20 hours on the home studies. Once that is completed you will join us in the
pool for an introduction to the equipment. Once that is done, you will then be ready to complete the ocean
training. You can now choose any PADI Resort in the world to finish the program. With thousands of Resorts
to choose from worldwide, you can pick the destination of your dreams at which to go
diving. Fees for the ocean training dives will vary widely and will be levied by the resort at which
you choose to do the training. We can supply you with a list of PADI training facilities in the destination of your
choice. You will be responsible for making arrangements for your training dives and for all fees incurred in said
started in diving has never been this easy, and now with our giant selection of resort facilities at which you can complete
the diving, it has never been this fun.
Please contact us to schedule private training classes.
Private Referral Tuition: Study Kit: $95
Course Total
Fees for the ocean
training dives will vary and will be levied by resort at which you choose to do your training.