Discover Scuba diving in our heated pool! The Discover Scuba program allows you to get in and experience
Scuba under the direct supervision of a trained Scuba professional, without committing to the full certification program.
You will get to breath underwater & use Scuba equipment on a shallow dive - as well as learn
some of the very basics of diving. 
This program is about 3 hours total, including land instruction. It is not a certification
program and does not qualify you to dive independently, but it is a perfect way to decide if Scuba classes are right for you.
If you do decide that Scuba is for you - we will credit $30 of the cost of the Discover Scuba towards the tuition
for a certification class.
Please call or email to check availability.
If you have a group of 6 or more people wanting to do this program, but none of the dates listed work for you, please
contact us! We can often add more sessions.
We also offer Discover Scuba Diving programs
for Girl Scout/Boy Scout groups and other youth groups.
Registration forms for DSD program: dsdregistration.pdf
Doctor's authorization form (Needed if you answer YES to any of the conditions listed): medicalstatement.pdf