Know what you are looking at
Join us on one of our excursions to Fort Casey Underwater Park on Whidbey Island to start learning about Puget Sound Marine Life. Learn about the fish families the inhabit Puget Sound.... the Spiny-Headed bottom Dwellers.... The Right-Eyed Flatfish... The Lumpsuckers.... After learning about basic Fish Anatomy, Families & ID methods we will take a stroll through ~ a lot of the specific fish you are likely to be fortunate to encounter in our local waters. We don't focus on crazy scientific names and obscure Latin names, instead we focus on giving you the tools to identify those cool critters you keep running across and wondering, "What is that?" Dive requirement: An evening/afternoon of classroom + 2 Dives in 1 day for certification. |
Tuition: $295
Includes: Fish ID Card, Underwater Slate Rental Gear at 1/2 Price Prerequisite: Open Water Diver and Puget Sound diving experience within the last six months. Don't have Puget Sound diving experience? Check out our Cold Water Orientations! 2 or more divers registering together get 10% discount off the tuition portion of the program. Prices calculated include multi-diver discount and tax on materials. |